One-Third of the Story

Ever since I left my faculty post for a new life in Wellington two years ago, many people have asked me why I would ever leave a secure role. Albeit I wasn’t working at a large research university, but nonetheless it was an academic role that would be coveted in...

Quiet Days

I am really enjoying my time between jobs (if all goes well). It is so rare to have this time. Too bad I can’t parlay it into a paying job with retirement contributions and a pension!I have to admit that our days have been hugely easier having me at home during...

Interviewing Adventures

I have always been an overall strong interviewer. I’ve given interviews as a reporter and enjoy helping people open up to share their stories. Knowing how to write effective interview questions and put an interviewee at ease has really helped me when I am on the...

Cultural Shifts

It really is amazing how culture shifts forward and changes. Since moving back down to this part of the world, I’ve experienced many moments where aspects of culture that I formerly knew had shifted forward in my absence.Several weeks ago, I searched once again...


Amongst all the places I’ve lived, one of my all-time favorite activities is to visit the local farmer’s market. I have many happy memories visiting the weekend markets in Fremantle, Holland and Bloomington. Fremantle is famous for its market and I surely...

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Teresa.Housel at