Winter Newsletter 1996/97

January 1997 Hello everyone from Down Under! I arrived in Western Australia about four weeks ago after spending two weeks back in England. Things have been really hectic lately and I’ve had barely a moment to sit down, but it has been a lot of fun. I hope you...

Winter Newsletter 1996

December 20, 1996 Hello! I hope that you have had a good and healthy year. First of all, I want to thank those who supported me while I lived in England this year. Thank you for your e-mail, letters, and packages of wonderful things from home I don’t know how I...

Winter Newsletter 1995

January 18, 1996 London, England Hello, everyone! My yearly write-up is a little late this year due to my trip back to London, where I am researching my master’s thesis about British homelessness for six months. It’s cold and cloudy outside, and when I...

Winter Newsletter 1994

Dear Loved Ones, Another year has come to an end. When I reflect upon all that 1994 contained, I am at awe at the ways that the threads of our lives are woven together. I have yet to return home from Missouri for Ohio next week. Missouri. Who would have thought that I...

Winter Newsletter 1992

You know what is best for me. Give me what you will, how much you will, and when you will  -Thomas à Kempis Reflections on 1992 As the year of 1992 ends, I realize that I will remember this year as a time of great learning.  During this year, I began to think more...

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