I must write a book about this current chapter in my experiences.
The people I run across daily are like characters from a novel. One higher-up pads around the place in his bare feet, drinking small cups of coffee.
Another person spritzes perfume on herself and is moody, but hilarious.
We have an off-kilter person who is lovely to chat with, but a mad-person in organising other people.
Of course there is the non-communicative person next to me who constantly talks about how grumpy she/he is.
We have the former boss who is still riding the glory days.
Various alliances all over the place.
There are my tasks. Proofreading business cards, writing a report and taking dictation while struggling to understand some of the words, initially not even knowing what the report was even for or for whom, transcribing names of chemicals and learning about people who take tarantulas home with them, pet shops that illegally sell certain plants, Forest & Bird, huffing and legal highs, etc.
Today I proofed a business card and was told there was one error in it. I looked up all the Maori words and surely thought there was a macron missing. I looked up every number and letter. I later found out that there was no error in it. Although I was annoyed, it was actually a very clever strategy. I will remember it for any future students.
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