I am really enjoying my time between jobs (if all goes well). It is so rare to have this time. Too bad I can’t parlay it into a paying job with retirement contributions and a pension!
I have to admit that our days have been hugely easier having me at home during the day to keep things flowing. I’ve been able to do errands, drive to errands if needed and catch up on house projects. Today I went to the grocery store, which is located in a mall. I am fascinated by how the weekday crowd differs from the weekend one. I noticed that most of the customers seemed to be retirees, young people or women with young children.
When I lived in Michigan, many of my female neighbors did not work outside the home. Taking care of their families and homes, and additional community work, were full-time tasks.
I often reflect back on my life there and how I tried to manage 60+ hour weeks plus exercising, cooking, hobbies, etc. No wonder I was so stressed. Many of my colleagues out-sourced tasks just to be able to cope. I had to out-source housework, garden and lawn cutting. We out-sourced snow shoveling, too. We needed weekends just to try and rest, although as it was I worked through most weekends.
With this quieter time, I’ve enjoyed visiting the Lower Hutt Salvation Army Store. It is quite a large store with different items every day. This place gets piles and piles of donations everyday. Heaping piles of donations take up the store’s vestibule every morning.
I am still applying for jobs. I also have an appointment at the university next week. We’ll see where things lead. In the meantime, I am looking into related fields that are not as flooded with applicants.
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