Hello everyone!

It’s the height of the silly season, and I am back in the US for it. I arrived in L.A. on 21 Dec. after a two-day flight. The interesting flight allowed chances to look briefly around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Tokyo. It was fun! I followed my method of guzzling spring water and meditating/sleeping on the plane…and arrived in L.A. with almost no jetlag.

Nathan and I spent a few days looking around L.A., and we’re now in the process of driving back to the midwest. We’re presently staying with his father outside Phoenix in southern Arizona, where we are doing plenty of bushwalking and camping. We’re heading off tomorrow to northern Mexico for a short stay. After we send off our Ph.D. applications due in early January, we’ll head up north to the Grand Canyon and misc. sites along the way to Kansas. The southwest is quite beautiful and reminds me of Western Australia, even if the people don’t.

It’s been massive culture shock to be back here, and after three years of being abroad, I’ve forgotten some of the subtle codes of American societey. In a few gatherings thus far I’ve been at a loss of how to make conversation or how to order things in a shop! I’m reminded once again, too, of the reasons why I left the US and why I hope to travel abroad again when the time is right. But alas, I’m excited to accomplish the long list of tasks set aside for the time being.

I’m in transition now, but here’s my new e-mail address:


I’ll send a postal address when I have one! Stay in touch, and huge thanks to my Australian friends who especially helped in the last few weeks of this crazy three-months’ moving process. I could not have done it without you!

All the best, Teresa

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Teresa.Housel at gmail.com