Note from Teresa: At a time when I spent most of the day writing about my decision to leave the US, and putting to paper some hard things around that time, I am setting another unpublished blog from that time free.

Today I enacted the final decision to leave a job that I’ve been wanting to escape for awhile. The position offered more years of horrid work hours, mediocre students, and many weekends and evenings of work. It is still hard to believe that I summoned the courage to go through with it, but I know I made the right decision.

I am definitely not discounting teaching completely, but it will be a very different situation than before. I am going to apply for the Victoria media team job. My guess is that they have local candidates already in mind, but I would be an excellent fit for the job. I will definitely give it my best shot and work on a solid covering letter and update my CV by Monday. At the very least, it will get me in the habit of applying. I will also secure the services of a recruitment company.

Being back here has been a bit of a culture shock. I do like the place that Timothy found. He did a fantastic job of finding this house with no knowledge of the area. It is excellent for jogging, is close to a leisure center and railway station, and also close to shops. I want to start getting a newspaper this weekend to help ease in the culture a little better. It will also be a great help once I find a job. I like the routine of working and also the income will be incredibly helpful. At present, we are not saving. I am very careful about what I spend, though, and having a smaller space forces me to buy less.

I do want to spruce up the patio and such, but those are items we will take with us.

I knew so many academics who are miserable in their jobs. I know more than a few who are on meds for anxiety and depression. It is a well-known secret. I also know others who thrive on the work and passionately love their jobs. It takes all kinds. As one blog I read today noted, it takes courage to stop, look around, and realize that you need to move with your interests as they change. I knew it was over for me when I went to Wellington last year. It took me a year to fully work out my escape plan.

Today I enacted the final decision to leave a job that I’ve been wanting to escape for awhile. The position offered more years of horrid work hours, mediocre students, and many weekends and evenings of work. It is still hard to believe that I summoned the courage to go through with it, but I know I made the right decision.

I am definitely not discounting teaching completely, but it will be a very different situation than before. I am going to apply for the Victoria media team job. My guess is that they have local candidates already in mind, but I would be an excellent fit for the job. I will definitely give it my best shot and work on a solid covering letter and update my CV by Monday. At the very least, it will get me in the habit of applying. I will also secure the services of a recruitment company.

Being back here has been a bit of a culture shock. I do like the place that Timothy found. He did a fantastic job of finding this house with no knowledge of the area. It is excellent for jogging, is close to a leisure center and railway station, and also close to shops. I want to start getting a newspaper this weekend to help ease in the culture a little better. It will also be a great help once I find a job. I like the routine of working and also the income will be incredibly helpful. At present, we are not saving. I am very careful about what I spend, though, and having a smaller space forces me to buy less.

I do want to spruce up the patio and such, but those are items we will take with us.

I knew so many academics who are miserable in their jobs. I know more than a few who are on meds for anxiety and depression. It is a well-known secret. I also know others who thrive on the work and passionately love their jobs. It takes all kinds. As one blog I read today noted, it takes courage to stop, look around, and realize that you need to move with your interests as they change. I knew it was over for me when I went to Wellington last year. It took me a year to fully work out my escape plan.

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