Editorials for Newspapers and Blogs

To Be a Writer, You Must Read
While teaching journalism courses at the university level over the years, I’ve always told students that to be a good writer you must be avid reader. Good, fluent writers know that they must read everything: fiction novels, non-fiction (my favourite), magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, backs of cereal boxes, everything. Constant reading across genres gives a person a sense of wide-ranging writing styles, and also an understanding of the components of excellent writing.
A Home of Reading
Although I’ve always been a naturally curious person, my twin love for reading and writing was encouraged in a home where I was exposed to reading as an everyday, normalised activity. My father bought at least three newspapers a day. He subscribed to several other newspapers, such as our local small city newspaper, The Daily Record (Wooster, Ohio) and the larger nearby city newspaper, Akron Beacon Journal. When USA Today appeared in 1984 as the country’s first colour newspaper that was also transmitted nationwide by satellite, my father began to bring that home everyday, too.
Developing an Interest in Journalism
Around age eight, I began to read The Mini Page, a weekly Saturday insert for kids in the Daily Record. This reading habit gradually transitioned to daily newspaper reading by the time I turned 12. Because my father was usually at work, I would arrive home from school, make a packet of ramen noodles for dinner, and eat the noodles while reading the daily newspaper. I was a voracious reader and didn’t know any different, so this routine was not unusual or lonely to me.
This daily newspaper reading gradually led to my interest in journalism as a possible career. At age 14, I wrote to The Daily Record’s managing editor, Melody Snure, and offered to write a column for the newspaper. She wrote an encouraging note back, advising me to keep reading and writing. A few years later, I wrote her again to express my interest in writing a column, and this time, she asked me to become the newspaper’s monthly youth columnist.
While I high school and beyond, I wrote monthly editorials and occasional features articles for The Daily Record. This training ground gave me experience in developing article ideas, interviewing (I was terrified at first), taking photographs, writing in editorial and news format, and meeting deadlines. After being very active in campus journalism at Oberlin College in the early 1990s, I pursued a journalism M.A. at the University of Missouri, worked at various publications in the U.S. and Britain, and wrote travel features from Australia in the late 1990s.
Though my main writing activities took a different turn into academic writing in more recent years, I still occasionally write editorials for various newspapers, blogs, and newsletters. With my natural curiosity, I am always looking for a good editorial idea.
Editorials I’ve Written (2005-Present)
Editorials for The Holland Sentinel (Holland, Michigan, USA)
I was a Community Advisory Board member while I lived in Holland. Part of this position involved writing regular editorials for the local city newspaper. I’ve continued writing editorials for this newspaper after moving to New Zealand.
- Pure Michigan all that’s good about our state: Editorial draws comparisons between Pure Michigan PR campaign and New Zealand’s 100% Pure campaign
- energyball2009editorial.pdf (Covers importance of energy conservation and the use of an LED ball in Grand Rapids’ New Year’s Eve Celebration)
- nochildinside2010editorial.pdf (Examines the importance of children having access to outdoor play and exercise in light of child obesity rates in
U.S. ) - prescriptiondrugeditorial2009.pdf (Discusses prevalence of over-use and over-prescribing of prescription drugs in the U.S.)
- sentineleditorialsmallsteps.pdf (Examines small steps that everyone can do to save energy and consider the environment)
- Open plan not always better for workers (Covers the rise of open-plan offices and why they are detrimental to employees’ productivity, physical, and mental health)
- textingeditorial2009.pdf (Discusses the detriments of texting and how texting can lead to lack of personal connection and auto accidents in the U.S.)
Invited Editorials for Magazines and Blogs
Editorials Magazine Articles
Allegan History Alive! – Urban St Shore West
Starting seeds at home is healthy and economical – The Holland Sentinel
Knitting through the Seasons – The Holland Sentinel
First-generation students need help in straddling their 2 cultures – The Chronicle of Higher Education
Housel heritage trail article
Meditation for wellness – The Holland Sentinel
New Zealand Publications
American artist visits C. S. Art – Arts Access Aotearoa
Arts for All – Arts Access Aotearoa
Coming of age story by Deaf filmmaker – Arts Access Aotearoa